Have You Recently Started Feeling More Sluggish,
Getting Sick More Often And Finding You’re
Putting On Extra Pounds All Of A Sudden…
Getting Sick More Often And Finding You’re
Putting On Extra Pounds All Of A Sudden…
And You’re Wondering If It’s Because Of Menopause,
A Change In Your Metabolism, Lifestyle…
Or You’ve Just Turned A “Certain Age?”
A Change In Your Metabolism, Lifestyle…
Or You’ve Just Turned A “Certain Age?”
I’ll tell you right now…
Read On For The Startling Truth…
Read On For The Startling Truth…
Also on this page…
Discover How To Get All Your Youthful Energy Back,
Put A STOP To Uncontrollable Weight Gain,
And Live The Most Vibrant, “Feel-Your-Best” Life Ever…
In Just Seven Days Or Less!
Put A STOP To Uncontrollable Weight Gain,
And Live The Most Vibrant, “Feel-Your-Best” Life Ever…
In Just Seven Days Or Less!
From Nancy Desjardins
ROHP/RNCP, Holistic Nutrition Coach
Somewhere “Off The Grid” in Bancroft, ON.
To: Women (and Men) Who Want Their Energy And Health Back
Re: The Truth Behind Your Sudden Health Changes
Something has changed recently, hasn’t it?
Suddenly, you’re gaining weight uncontrollably. Maybe it’s blossomed out of your stomach, hips, upper arms, back and thighs.
Or without reason, you’re now having a really hard time getting out of bed. You may exercise but still have low energy. You’re getting sleepy in the middle of the day more often.
Worse, perhaps you’re getting sick a lot more. It’s like you can’t fight off colds, the flu and other infections like you used to.
And the funny thing is… It feels like it all happened overnight!
A lot of clients come to me with this problem, and it’s usually right after a “major event” in their lives. Situations like…
- Menopause and all the biological changes it brings…
- A shift in lifestyle like a new home, a new job, new family…
- Or sometimes they’ve recently just turned 40, 50, 60 or an age ending in a zero.
Now, if you were to ask your doctor, they may tell you those are exactly the reasons why you’re going through these sudden changes.
Your doctor may tell you, “go on a diet”. Or you’re simply overworked and you’re “getting old”. They may even prescribe you drugs.Well, I’m here to tell you…
It’s Not Old Age, It’s Not Menopause
It’s Not A Lifestyle Change…
It’s Not A Lifestyle Change…
It Actually Goes Much, Much Deeper Than That
And… It’s Actually Reversible!
And… It’s Actually Reversible!
I’m about to share something with you that you may find controversial. You may not believe it at first. But if you’ll suspend your disbelief as you read this letter, I promise to prove every claim I make.
On this webpage, I will show you how you can…
- Regain all the youthful energy you’ll ever want…
- Quickly shed excess fat and keep it off…
- Practically never get sick again…
- Sleep better and naturally without drugs…
- Get rid of the aches and pains in your joints…
- Stop stomach cramps, constipation and IBS…
- Break free from anxiety and depression…
But back to what I was saying…
Here’s the real truth about how you’re feeling right now:
The low energy, the aches and pain, the sudden weight gain…
It’s not because of a recent big change like menopause, turning a certain age or a new lifestyle.
It’s actually a series of several thousand small, little changes over the course of your entire lifetime. Changes that happened right before your nose.
And here’s where it gets controversial: Changes that were “snuck” into your everyday life, about three times a day… without you knowing!
What am I talking about?
Over 90% Of The Food We Eat Is Slowly Killing Us…
Stealing Our Energy, Making Us Sick
And Making It Near Impossible To Lose Weight
Stealing Our Energy, Making Us Sick
And Making It Near Impossible To Lose Weight
How can this be???
Food is shipped from halfway around the world in near-pristine conditions. Kiwi fruit arrive from New Zealand every week. Asparagus from Peru is flown in. Garlic from China is shipped directly to our grocery stores.
What’s more amazing is how long our food lasts on the shelf, in the pantry or the freezer… and it tastes great when you heat it up in the microwave.
But here’s the catch:
In order for all this magic to happen…
- Our crops are sprayed with pesticides, fungicides and insecticides to protect it.
- Our food is filled with preservatives, artificial flavors and colors for longer shelf life.
- And to make everything grow faster, bigger and easier… we inject it with hormones, fertilizers and we even modify its genes!
In other words, we are eating chemicals, toxins and even trace amounts of poisons…but our bodies were never designed to digest things like this! It doesn’t know how to break it down… and it doesn’t know how to get rid of it!
And as these poisons slowly built up inside our bodies, bit by bit, over three meals a day, every day for 30, 40, 50 years… our digestive system starts to “back up.”And that’s how, one morning…
You wake up and you suddenly feel dead tired. You gain weight you simply can’t lose. You get sick more and more often.
Let me explain in detail…
What Goes On Inside Your Body
When It’s Toxic
When It’s Toxic
When you eat processed foods… (basically anything that comes in a box, can or jar… or anything with flour or sugar)…
They are stripped of their nutrients and filled with preservatives, chemicals and artificial additives. Which is toxic.
Your body is able to break down some of the toxins and send it to one of the channels of elimination in your body which could be the colon where you get rid of it by going to the bathroom.
With most other types of toxins though, it can’t break it down. So it sits there in your liver. Or… it goes into your bloodstream and are sent to your cells along with the nutrients.
Now, your cells are like factories. They take good nutrients and convert it into energy… which keeps you warm, keeps the electricity going… basically mini-power plants.
But when it gets something like refined white sugar… (which is basically poison)… it has no idea what to do with it. So it turns it into saturated fats. And they just “dump it” back into your bloodstream. And it ends up in your stomach, various body parts or just clog up the arteries.
This is how you gain weight and get high blood pressure.
Overtime, your liver spends so much time triaging the toxins, chemicals and poisons coming in… it has much less time to send the good stuff to your cells.
It’s simply too busy dealing with the bad stuff…. trying to break it down or get it out of your body.
So, now your cells are not getting the nutrients it needs to convert into energy!
This is why you start feeling more tired, more often.
Finally, it gets to the point where everything is just backed up.
It’s like going into the office and your inbox is stacked to the ceiling with work from last week, last month, last year.
Now the toxins are just running around freely. Nobody’s stopping them. Nobody’s breaking them down. Nobody’s telling them to get out.
Your immune system (or police force) is overtaxed. It’s like Los Angeles. 9,800 cops for a city with four million people spread out over 500 square miles. Crime is rampant.
And that’s how your body starts to get sick more and more often.
So what can you do?
How can you reverse the damages of eating toxins your entire life?
It’s simple.
You must get rid of the toxins in your body in order to SURVIVE!!!
How To Get Rid Of The Toxins In Your Body
With A Detox Program
With A Detox Program
There are several ways to remove toxins from your body.
It’s important to do this. When you do this, your digestive system can “take a breath” and focus on feeding you nutrients instead of putting away toxins, chemicals and fats.
What you can do is what’s called a “cleanse” or a “detox”.
You may have heard of them before. What I’m about to share with you however, is unlike anything you’ve seen before.
Truth is, there are many detox programs to choose from.
But unfortunately…
Not All Detox Programs Or Cleanses Are
Good For You, Some Are Even Dangerous!
Good For You, Some Are Even Dangerous!
And through it all…
- From when I first started showing clients how to prepare food in my own house…
- To holding nutritional workshops at my open-kitchen health café…
- And now teaching virtually and globally on my website HealthLady.com…
Some are even hazardous to your health!
It’s frightening, but true.
Let me give you some examples…
There’s a famous cleanse some celebrities do one week before they walk the red carpet for a major event. It’s called the “master cleanse”.
Do you want me to tell you what it is? I will. You basically drink lemon water mixed with maple syrup, and cayenne pepper for an entire week!
Not only is that near-impossible to follow… (Your hunger pangs will drive you insane)!
There are also cleansing shake formulas you can buy in your local health store. What you do is blend the mix with water… and you drink the shake three-times-a-day, for seven days!
Can you imagine? Drinking the same shake 21 times in a week and not eating anything else?
Not all detox programs are this extreme, painful or monotonous, of course.
The Right Kind Of Detox
For Your Body Will Save Your Life!
For Your Body Will Save Your Life!
There are detox programs that offer you a variety of smoothies, juices and “real meals” you can eat that are easy-to-follow and completely realistic. Some are called “juice fasts”.
I have looked at several of these, tried many and put together my own formulas and recipes.
What’s important here, though… is that I am a trained holistic nutritionist, and I have a scientific eye for the body’s health.
And with that unique and important perspective…
Over the last 17 years, I’ve worked on creating a detox program that is safe, natural, nutritious, effective and easy-to-follow.
But most importantly… doesn’t leave you hungry!
This is what I want to share with you today.
I’ve put together a detox coaching program that will reboot your energy, destroy bad fats in your body and boost your immune system… in seven days or less!
Let me quickly tell you about what’s in my detox coaching program.
What is Nancy Desjardins’
Fat Burning Detox Program?
Fat Burning Detox Program?
It’s a step-by-step seven-day body cleanse. I will personally guide you through a diet plan filled with a variety of recipes including smoothies, juices, soups, dips, salads, teas and even desserts (including dark organic chocolate)!
I’ve included easy-to-follow diet plans, success journals and simple checklists.
I’ll tell you more about it in detail later, but first, I just want you to know…
This will be the most “doable” cleanse you have or will ever do.
Other detox programs are extreme and boring… asking you to drink the same thing over and over again for seven days straight. Not here!
Now, to me… it’s important I understand what I do to my body instead of blindly following instructions. That’s why I have also included a detailed manual with tons of useful information about the cleanse.
Here’s just a preview of what’s inside the main manual…
- Twelve everyday things that you may be doing right now that’s increasing the toxicity in your life …see pg. 38
- A deadly poison that causes diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis and other degenerative diseases. What’s more startling… the average American eats 3 lbs. of this poison every week! …see pg. 46
- A harmful ingredient that hides behind 18 different aliases on food labels! Learn how to avoid it …see pg. 54
- The most powerful “magic bullet” for burning fat naturally. Without it, your body automatically stores more and more fat while sending “hungry signals” to the brain! …see pg. 65
- Why you shouldn’t drink eight glasses of water every day! …see pg. 67
- Is there a right time to eat that’s “synchronized” with your daily biological clock… that ensures more energy in your life? …see pg. 77
- The most contaminated fruits and vegetables on earth… and the least contaminated ones. The difference could mean you’re exposing your body to 20 pesticides/day or 2 per day …see pg. 86
- Why animals only die from 5 – 10 diseases… while human beings now die from over 250 different kinds of diseases! …see pg. 95
- Six types of food you must avoid or risk unnecessary health problems …see pg. 108
- Do you use vegetable oil to cook your food? If so, your veins, artery walls, colon and joints are at risk! …see pg. 118
- A common ingredient you may be using in all your meals right now that causes hypertension, gastric ulcers and rheumatism …see pg. 128
- Twelve things you can do (starting tomorrow), to help digestion, clear out toxins and start generating more energy in your life! …see pg. 137
Introducing A Safe, Easy And Natural Detox Program
That’s Also Nutritious & Delicious
That’s Also Nutritious & Delicious
Fat Burning Detox Program
IMPORTANT: The Fat Burning Detox Program is more than a 7-day diet plan with a manual, diet plan and journal. It is an interactive program with a community of like-minded women who are committed to regaining their energy, shedding excess fat and feeling great.Here’s what you’ll find inside when you get the Fat Burning Detox Program…
1: Copy of the Fat Burning Detox Program ($97 Value) - There are just over 585 pages of materials in my program and there’s absolutely no reason why you should waste time printing everything out, hole-punching them, and organizing them in binders yourself. Let me do that for you and deliver it directly to your door! (You will still get a digital version as well… so you can start reading everything right away!)
2: The Fat Burning Detox Manual & Workbook ($67 Value) – Here’s everything you need to know about making short-term and long-term health improvements in my detox program. You’ll discover the exact reasons why you’re losing energy, gaining weight and getting sick… where toxins are found in everyday groceries… clear steps on how to reverse the damage… and most importantly… how to get back in control of your body, feel great and live well.
3: Juice Fasting Cleanse – For the seasoned Detox "health-nut": Be prepared for a revitalizing, rejuvenating and reenergizing diet plan. Imagine this: only freshly squeezed, raw-food juices coursing through your body for seven days… power-washing the toxins out of your entire system… while flooding every part of you with vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients, enzymes. This program will give you the "Super Cleaning" your body is begging for.
4: Three Diet & Cleanse Plans ($17 Value) –
• Plan A: Beginner’s Cleanse
This plan contains smoothies, steamed/cooked veggies and animal protein, and healthy carbs—an effective cleanse.
• Plan B: Power Cleanse
This plan contains fresh vegetables, juices/blended soups, and lots of salads—a more aggressive plan.
• Plan C: Juice Fasting Cleanse Program
Juice fasting remains one of the most effective detoxification and healing therapies for the body. Why? Because it unleashes the power of natural medicine hidden in raw fruits and vegetables. Even the physician Hippocrates endorsed juice fasting as an effective way to care for body and mind.
5: The Fat Burning Detox Program Recipe Book ($27 Value) – With over 101 easy-to-make recipes for smoothies, juices, soups, salads, dips, teas and full-on meals… you will be absolutely surprised and delighted at how delicious a body cleanse can be. What’s more, how many choices you have! Most cleanses put you on a dull regimen of the same drink over and over again. Not mine! You will not be bored. Plus… I’ll sneak in twelve guilt-free snacks you can munch on. You will never be hungry in my detox program.
6: Pre-Cleanse Strategies — What to do 4-5 days before we begin the program.
We begin by laying the foundation for the program. This Section includes tips and words of wisdom to ensure a smooth transition into my program.
7: Pre-program Quick-start Checklist — Alright, so you’re just about ready to begin the program and you want to make sure you have everything lined up for success. Not a problem, as I’m also providing you with a detailed step-by-step, itemized checklist to ensure you have everything in place leading up to your “official” first day.
8: Recipes on how to make nourishing herbal teas. Herbs have become such a part of my lifestyle! I have several herbs in my collection, and I create many different blends, depending on how I feel that day. These delicious blends help nourish, cleanse, and support your body in many different ways.
9: The Supplementation Guide – In this manual I outline the most effective supplementation strategy to use in combination with the Fat Burning Detox Program to further accelerate results and hasten progress over the course of the 7 day program.
Supplements are not “required” to do this program, but the right plan can make a huge difference and this guide ensures you have the most ideal recommendations, directly from me, to work synergistically with the Fat Burning Detox Program and Training components.
10: Healthy skin care recipes. You’ll get my top 10 choices for all natural skin care. Most moisturizers for your skin are hiding bizarre ingredients. You see, your skin is not only your largest organ, it’s also the thinnest. Only one tenth of an inch separates you from all sorts of toxins. Your skin is highly permeable, allowing what you apply to your skin to access your bloodstream (and thereby to the rest of your body) . . .
11: Detox Program Success Journal ($17 Value) – It’s a proven fact that keeping a journal and logging your experience with any diet, exercise program or habit change increases the chance of success many times over. Literally everyone I know who’s made a dramatic difference in their lives has used one. I’ve created a success journal with proven templates for you that’s easy to record your progress daily and weekly.
But first, I have a question to ask you…
Question: What Is The Price Of Not Getting Rid
Of The Toxins And Chemicals In your Body?
Of The Toxins And Chemicals In your Body?
Here’s the unsettling truth…
What you’re feeling right now…
The low energy, the nagging belly fat, the constant sickness… the headaches, the stomach cramps, the insomnia… the dry and itchy skin… the anxiety and even depression…
All these symptoms are only the beginning if you do nothing about the toxins and chemicals living inside your body.
If you keep eating the same way you do now… it will get much, much worse.
It is only a matter of time you’re on the path towards chronic health problems like diabetes, hyperthyroidism and even cancer.
What would you say the hospital bill and medical cost would be for issues like these?
It doesn’t have to be this way.
In fact, we can put a stop to it. Right now.
And you can start reversing the damaging effects as soon as tomorrow.
I’ve helped over a thousand women recover from decades of dietary abuse. I want to help you too. I will not charge you an arm and a leg, like a doctor would. I would not feed you drugs, like a pharmacist would.
I am here to help you naturally and safely.
I am here to help as many people, like yourself, as possible. I have made it my life mission to help you start living again, brimming with energy. Enjoying your family, friends and work with a renewed spirit.
That’s why, I am offering a severe discount of over 60% on my program.
Would you save your own life and choose to live longer for your children (and grandchildren) for $3.23 a day for the next thirty days?
Here’s what I want you to do next…
Click on the register link and enroll in the “Fat Burning Detox Program”.
I guarantee you this will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made in your life. You’ll feel much more energy, lose a surprising amount of weight and get control of your life again.
Imagine yourself rediscovering a renewed love for your family, your friends and yourself. This is how powerful this program is. Life completely changes when you have ENERGY again. When you don’t feel sluggish. When you’re not carrying around excess weight.
It’s liberating.
Go ahead, get the Fat Burning Detox Today!
My “Rejuvenate Or
100% Money Back” Guarantee
100% Money Back” Guarantee
You deserve a rejuvenating blast of energy. When you get the “Fat Burning Detox Program” and take advantage of the coaching, forum access and materials, I promise you… you’re going to feel like a “new you”. You’ll experience a rush of energy coursing through your body after the first seven days of my program.
I’ll even put my money where my mouth is. If you don’t feel amazing after trying my program, if you’re unsatisfied with any of the materials or if you don’t think you got tremendous value for your investment of time, money and effort… just let me know, and I’ll cheerfully refund your entire tuition. That’s how much I believe in my proven program and my 17 years of experience as a certified nutritionist who’s helped over a thousand women just like you get back on track and energized.
You have absolutely nothing to lose. Whether you do one day of the cleanse or all of it, you will have begun to remove decades of built-up toxins from your body. Toxins that are right now putting you on the road to chronic fatigue, unnecessary colds, sudden uncontrollable weight gain, headaches, arthritis, diabetes, constipation, hormonal imbalance, hyperthyroidism and even cancer.
I have a huge, huge gift for you just for taking action today…
Get Ten Handpicked Expert Interviews
From The Vaults Of The Women’s Health Academy
($167 Value) FREE!
From The Vaults Of The Women’s Health Academy
($167 Value) FREE!
…Simply By Joining My Detox Program Today
As you may already know by now, my detox program is unlike any other cleanse, detox or diet plan out there.
- It’s not a short-term program you painfully go through, only to return to your old way of life after it’s over… (and gain back all the weight you lost).
- It’s not an extreme program that’s nearly impossible to follow (like drinking lemon water with maple syrup for seven days!)
- It’s not a dull and monotonous program where you drink the same shake formula 3-times-a-day, seven-days-a-week.
The “Fat Burning Detox Program” is a lifestyle change where you clean the slate and start fresh. And the best part is… I explain every single reason why and how I recommend what I do. But what I’ve put together isn’t enough for those who are hungry to know more about holistic, natural health.
That’s why…
I’ve handpicked ten of the best, most relevant and useful interviews from my membership site, “The Women’s Health Academy” just for this program.
What’s this about? Over the last two years, I have consistently reached out to and become surrounded by some of the top, holistic health and medical minds in the world.
Subscribers to my list know I often interview them to create highly educational tele-classes “live-in-person”. When the event is over however, I lock up the interviews in my membership site for paying members.
For you today only…
When you get the “Fat Burning Detox Program,” you will get access to these ten interviews as a free bonus gift. I’ll even throw in the transcripts so you can print them out and take notes!
Here are the ten interviews I’ve carefully selected just for you…
Super Cleanse Your Body
with Nancy Desjardins
Super Cleanse Your Body
with Nancy Desjardins
- Rapid energy gain… is it possible? It is once you know which foods to throw away in your kitchen.
- The seven parts of your digestive system. Which two naturally break down fats for you and keep you slim? (It’s not the stomach)!
- How coffee “steals” nutrients out of the food you eat, causing you to get sick more often, feel tired more often… and get “brain fog”.
How 90% Of Toxins Get Inside You
with Dr. Edward Group
How 90% Of Toxins Get Inside You
with Dr. Edward Group
- How most foods you eat can “overstay their welcome” and start burning holes in your colon… speeding up how fast toxins flood into your body!
- What number of BMs (bowel movements) is regular for the average person and why going less means you’re carrying around putrefied, rancid food inside you.
- The only way to truly and thoroughly clean your colon. (WARNING: Uncomfortable colonics only do one third the job).
Toxins Are Everywhere, Even The North Pole
with John Cline, MD
Toxins Are Everywhere, Even The North Pole
with John Cline, MD
- If you’ve had expensive dental work done (like amalgams, crowns or root canals)… you must checked with your doctor for potential poisoning immediately!
- How scars on your body are damaging your nervous system by up to twenty times more from common everyday objects like Wi-Fi, cell phones and TV satellite dishes.
- Why you should throw out your box spring mattress immediately. Not doing so can prevent your body from detoxifying itself!
The Dangers of Store Bought Groceries
with Jeffery M. Smith
The Dangers of Store Bought Groceries
with Jeffery M. Smith
- When genetically modified soy was fed to hamsters over two years… babies died five times more often. Worse, by the third generation, several had become infertile! (Soy is found in more store-bought products than you think).
- The eight most common crops that are being genetically modified today. Several are common ingredients in canned goods, frozen dinners, snacks, baked goods, candy and chocolates.
- A website where you can go and get a FREE shopping guide to ensure you only get non-GMO foods at the grocery store.
Do You Know What You’re Really Eating?
with Gloria Gilbère D.A. Hom., Ph.D.
Do You Know What You’re Really Eating?
with Gloria Gilbère D.A. Hom., Ph.D.
- MSG is “banned” right? But did you know there is a long list of legal “aliases” food companies can use on the ingredient list? Dr. Gloria will tell you how to find out if you’re still consuming MSG when you think you’re not.
- How the exact same chemical used to de-ice airplanes on the tarmac during a snow storm… is showing up in your dairy products. Are you or your children drinking this chemical right now?
- The macaroni and cheese experiment. A university put two bowls of it in a forest. One with fresh ingredients, the other came out of a “instant” box. The next day, one was eaten. The other one remained untouched… even after three months!
Forget Chewing… Is Your Stomach Even Working?
with Elizabeth Lipski, Ph. D.
Forget Chewing… Is Your Stomach Even Working?
with Elizabeth Lipski, Ph. D.
- Have you ever had a “gut feeling”? The digestive system is called the “second brain” for a reason. In fact, in some cases… your belly controls your feelings more than your brain does! What you eat can change your emotions!
- Why eating Tums for acid refluxes, GERD or heartburn is a terrible idea.
- There are over three-and-a-half pounds of micro-organisms in your stomach. It’s practically a “rainforest” of fungi and bacteria. However, it’s being “clear-cut” when you take antibiotics incorrectly. Here’s a supplement to keep your rainforest healthy.
How to Never Get Sick Again
with Raymond Francis
How to Never Get Sick Again
with Raymond Francis
- Why you can’t afford to be sick. Every time you have a cold, you are causing irreversible damage to your genes!
- How sugar acts like heroin… and the exact steps it takes to destroy you at a cellular level… causing diabetes, weight gain, energy loss and even… how it wreaks havoc on your central nervous system.
- How eating bread, pasta and pastry regularly helps create the “foundation” for cancer, Lou Gehrig’s and every other chronic disease we know.
Secrets of The Fountain of Youth
with Dr. Norman Shealy
Secrets of The Fountain of Youth
with Dr. Norman Shealy
- A simple stress-reducing exercise Olympic athletes have been using since 1912!
- Why the Japanese are 66% less likely to develop breast cancer. (It’s in their diet).
- A natural remedy for menopause that could stop hot flashes altogether!
- The one method Dr. Shealy used to treat over 30,265 people of depression with a 85% success rate.
How To Prevent Aging And Heal Disease
with Dr. Brian Clement
How To Prevent Aging And Heal Disease
with Dr. Brian Clement
- How to cure catastrophic diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s with a simple change of diet. This is based on over 53 years of scientific research!
- There are pharmaceuticals in the water system of every major city. Some scientists suspect pharmaceuticals can last up to 100,000 years in the water. Truth is, man-made drugs simply do not break down. There are TWO filtration systems you can use to get clean water.
- How the toxins in the water we drink, the food we eat and the clothes we wear is creating an imbalance in the male/female ratio on planet earth.
The One Organ That “Re-Grows” When Removed
with Annie Padden Jubb
The One Organ That “Re-Grows” When Removed
with Annie Padden Jubb
- Most people have up to 12 meals stuck inside of them creating a lot of “back log” for your liver to work on. Imagine being 3 days behind at the office… all the time. Here’s how to “clear out” the inbox in your body.
- The drink Annie gave a 56-year-old woman to win a marathon while everyone else was “hitting the wall” at the fifteenth mile.
- A simple home-test to see how acidic or alkalized you are. You can get very sick if you’re on one extreme or another. Is your pH balanced right now?
Two Paths Lie Before You: One Full Of Toxins
And Sickness, Another Brimming With Energy And Life
And Sickness, Another Brimming With Energy And Life
It’s quite simple. Up until this point in your life, you’ve led a vibrant, exciting and healthy life.
You may have raised a family while working at the same time. The Baby Boomers were the first generation of strong, beautiful women to do this… and we survived.
Or maybe you’re younger, but you’re starting to feel it. Your metabolism is shifting. You’re starting to get tired more often. All that processed food, chemicals and toxins we’ve blindly put into our bodies. It’s all catching up.
And that’s exactly where the problem lies.
We’re starting to survive and it’s catching up.
This is NO WAY to live.
It’s time to clear out all the bad toxins inside of us. It’s time for a spring cleaning. It’s time to clean the slate and get a fresh start.
When you join me in the Fat Burning Detox Program, you’ll immediately begin to feel the wonderful transformation inside of you after the cleanse. And the most wonderful part of it all? It will be a natural, healthy and delicious detox. Not a bunch of pills or a water-only diet.
Join us today. I’m here to help. I want you to live life to the fullest.
I look forward to seeing you inside!
To Your Health,
Nancy Desjardins, ROHP/RNCP
Holistic Health Coach and Your Guide to the “Fat Burning Detox Program”
On this interview, she’ll talk about…
- A simple question you can ask yourself to decide what to throw out and what to keep. You will feel a heavy weight being lifted off your shoulders when you do this.
- The seven levels of clutter and how each one affects us in ways we can’t begin to imagine. (Physical clutter is only one of seven levels). Clearing each level out can literally change your life.
- There are five kinds of physical clutter in our lives. Identify where they are in your life and start getting rid of them!
Nancy Desjardins’
Fat Burning Detox Program
Fat Burning Detox Program
- What’s should I expect during the 7 day cleanse?
- Will I have to take time off from work to do this?
- Will I go hungry on this cleanse? I’ve tried others before and they were not pleasant.
- Is it a lot of work to prepare the recipes in your detox program?
- I’ve done your detox program before. Should I do it again?
- Do I have to be a vegetarian to do this?
The 7 day cleanse will be a seven days where you only eat nutritious, natural and raw foods like vegetables, juices, smoothies and salads. Because it may be a drastic change for beginners, I have created three levels of cleanses to accommodate both the first-timer and the seasoned detox pro. Here is a short summary of the three cleanses you’ll find in my program:
- Plan A: Beginner’s Cleanse - In this diet plan, there are smoothies, steamed and cooked vegetables, animal protein and healthy carbohydrates. This is an effective cleanse that is easy to adapt as there are solid foods to eat, along with meats.
- Plan B: Power Cleanse – Slightly more aggressive is my power cleanse. In this diet plan, there are fresh vegetables, juices, blended soups and lots of salads. As you can see, I have removed the meats from the “Beginner’s Cleanse” here and this makes this plan more powerful at clearing your body of toxins and chemicals.
- Plan C: Juice Fasting Cleanse – For the seasoned Detox “health-nut”: Be prepared for a revitalizing, rejuvenating and reenergizing diet plan. Imagine this: only freshly squeezed, raw-food juices coursing through your body for seven days… power-washing the toxins out of your entire system… while flooding every part of you with vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients, enzymes and probiotics. This program will give you the “Spring Cleaning” your body is begging for.
No. Not at all. My detox program will take the same amount of time in the kitchen as you currently spend in the kitchen cooking your regular meals. In fact, it might even be faster as most of my recipes are “raw foods”. There is little to no cooking. It’s about filling your body with natural, nutritious and energy-inducing foods that clears your body of its built-up of toxins.
3. Will I go hungry on this cleanse? I’ve tried others before and they were not pleasant.
Absolutely NOT. I do not prescribe cleanses with a SET number of juices or smoothies like other detox programs without considering that each and every person is unique. That’s just irresponsible and thoughtless. My detox program has a variety of recipes to allow for snacking and in-between meal munchies. I have a quote, “It’s not the calories, it’s the quality of the food”. And with my detox program, you will be only eating wholesome, nutritious, alkalizing foods that’s designed to clear out the toxins in your body.
4. Is it a lot of work to prepare the recipes in your detox program?
Not at all. Several of my recipes won’t take more than ten minutes to prepare. Many are quick and easy, especially the juices and smoothies. This program is meant to not take more time than you currently spend in the kitchen preparing meals. As it is mostly a “raw foods” diet, you can subtract the cooking time you usually have.
5. I’ve done your detox program before. Should I do it again?
There are two great reasons to do the Detox Program again. One, there is the coaching, support and community. You will have a classroom of like-minded individuals to talk to. You will have access to my as your personal nutritionist to answer questions that come up. Secondly, quite a few pieces of my materials have been especially updated for this Spring 2011 Detox. I’m very excited about these edits and revisions. I believe I have made the program stronger and easier-to-do with these changes. Join us to see the difference in newfound energy in your life.
6. Do I have to be a vegetarian to do this?
Absolutely not. At the beginner’s level for the cleanses, there are recipes for fish and chicken. However, to take full advantage of the cleansing properties of my Detox Program, it is recommended you attempt the more thorough cleanses… which are purely vegetarian.
“After looking at many different ones, I chose Nancy’s for several reasons……I could make my own food, there was an abundant amount of information to read on how to live a healthy lifestyle and the concept of an interactive forum and community as I was doing my cleanse was very intriguing.
Most importantly, it appeared to be DOABLE, especially with 4 kids and my busy lifestyle!
What I found was more than just a cleanse, it opened my eyes to all the choices in my life that could be a bit healthier. It made me really think about ALL the toxins out there…not just the food choices or beauty products but the friendships and stress levers that play an important role in all our lives.”
- Katie, Massachusetts
“I just finished up my 4th cleanse in a row with Nancy. I was initially drawn to the program because of the unbelievable results it promised while still being able to eat! I also thought that what was provided for the cleanse had tremendous value.
My results over the past year have been amazing and cumulative! What I found most exciting initially was learning how to eat delicious foods that were healing to the body and healthy snacks that provided nutrition and sustenance. I finally felt I was in control and understood cravings. I’m now eating better and want to eat better. I actually crave healthy foods instead of junk and I’m easily maintaining my ideal weight without calorie counting. I have constant energy throughout the day and no longer need my 3pm nap. I’m going to bed earlier, sleeping better and getting up earlier feeling refreshed.
My allergies and skin have cleared up dramatically. I no longer take allergy medication. My pores are less clogged and acne breakouts have practically disappeared. My skin has never looked better! My digestion and elimination have also improved drastically.
The material that comes with the program is priceless. Not only is it a step by step handbook for a 7 day cleanse but it is also a guidebook for every day living. I became a member of the Health Academy because of the wealth of information it provides. It has helped me to learn and grow and has taken my health to the next level. This past year I’ve spent with you has gone beyond just eating right. It has transferred into our home which is a much more sacred place as well as my mind and spirit which are more peaceful and content.
I would absolutely do this cleanse again. That is how much I believe in the healing it allows my body to do during that time.
Nancy, you’ve completely changed my world for the better. I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life.
Thank you for putting together a wonderful, doable program that works!”
- Lisa, San Francisco
“For me, Nancy’s cleanses have become part of an ongoing maintenance program. I started her cleanses this past spring and have done 3 of them so far. To date I have lost 22 pounds and feel so much more energetic and alert. It feels so great to be healthier and know I’m finally providing my body so much more of what it’s been needing for so long. Nancy provides a wealth of information that involves not only the cleanses themselves, but so many other topics that are critical to improved health and wellness in all aspects of our lives.”
- Maria B., New York
“I have absolutely loved being a part of your program. Not only have I voraciously read (almost all of) the fat burning detox literature, I have lost seven pounds and changed my eating habits for a lifetime.
I am forty one, fit, teacher, mother of two. I love clothes and feeling my best but have always eaten more than i should. I am discerning and i read all there is about the pursuit of health- nothing i have ever done has made me feel better than follow your cleansing plan.
The information you provided was so accessible for me. I was able to adapt my thinking and change my habits. I am thrilled. I have recommended your program to everyone who has been telling me how great I look!”
- Kara Lewis, New York
“In the last couple of weeks I have had comments like…..”I don’t know what you are doing but you are glowing”…..and …”You have really nice skin” So my conclusion is this……if I keep this up maybe the aging clock will move backwards instead of forward…..what an amazing thought!
The Fat Burning Detox Program opened my eyes to a newer way of cooking and eating healthier. I lost 5 pounds on the program. I have energy and am not hungry.
The program was a very easy read and with the way it was laid out things were very easy to find.”
- Brenda Bourre, North Bay, Ontario
“The Fat Burning Detox is an essential part of my detox – many many times I reffered to it, either for the recipes or the tips for healthy habits – also the forum was a great resource when reading the questions and answer made by the other participants. The fact that it was open for one month was definitively a must. Being able to communicate with Nancy through the forum was like she was with me everyday. I will keep my good habits : no sugar, no gluten, and good green juices in the morning. So, for sure I will do the program again, and recommend it to others.”
- Johanne Chalifoux, Montreal
“After starting the Detox Program, within a few days we noticed several changes. I used to get muscle cramps when I tried to go to sleep at night, but they have stopped. I also used to wake up feeling stiff and sore, but I no longer have that problem. The arthritis pain in my hands has diminished considerably.
My son, Sean, would have trouble keeping his first meal down. Since starting the program he now has an appetite and is able to eat after his morning regimen. He no longer complains about having stomach problems.
The information you provided through your program has been life changing for us. We learned so much about nutrition and certified organic foods, that we will never go back to eating the way we did before.
We look forward to continuing the program and are definitely going to join in your Spring Detox Program. We will continue to recommend your program to our family and friends.”
To a Happier and Healthier Lifestyle,
Mario and Sean from San Ramon, California
“People at my office asked me what “diet” I was on because it looked like I had lost weight. I told them it wasn’t a diet, it was a lifestyle change. That’s how I feel about this program — it changed the way I live my life. I stopped a life-long addiction to diet soda — I drink water all day instead. I am very aware of the foods I eat now and how they affect my body.”
- Jenny Smith, California
“I’ve been aware of Nancy’s healthy lifestyle program for about 6 years but not until about a year ago was I ready to act upon what I learned.
Last year I struggled with typical menopause symptoms and couldn’t lose the extra 15 pounds that had accumulated. That was the turning point for me to make a serious and more committed effort to clean up my diet and my lifestyle.
I have always admired Nancy because she “walks the talk” and shares her vast knowledge from years of research and experience.
I noticed the weight came off rapidly and have since taken the next step and incorporated delicious smoothies and green juices into my diet.
Even the hot flashes have subsided with the help of natural herbal remedies. I embrace this holistic way of living and feel full of life and energy and I’m proud to say I’m 55 and loving it.
I’m so happy to be part of this here program because the support and confirmation that I’m on the right track is priceless. There’s always something new to learn and sharing is caring and that’s what it’s all about!”
- Renee Thomas, Georgetown
“I have learned healthier ways of eating, and have gotten into a routine of doing so. Sometimes I stray from the path, but am able to quickly get “back on track” because of the benefits AND SATISFACTION of eating live foods. I am grateful for participating in this program. With your Spring Cleanse I lost 7 pounds. With the Fall Cleanse, I lost 5 pounds, but who’s counting. It’s just good to be doing what is healthy.
You are a gifted MENTOR.”Sincerely, Denise C., Narragansett, RI
“Seven days on the Cleanse! I’ve kept on the plan for three more days~ Feeling really good.
I have cleansed in the past with other Herbal Cleanse) both with good results but requiring much more will power to stick to. I have to say: Nancy, this is the best!!I have energy and am not hungry.
Thanks Nancy,from one tree hugger to another”
- Alison Bourre, Barrie, Ontario
“I know I will continue that step-by-step climb to a healthier life because of things I have learned in your program. Some of the precepts I build that statement on are the great supplemental materials that I know I will refer to often, the first week preparing for success – evaluating the cupboards and planning my goals, and the last week interview on organizing.
Isn’t it interesting and revealing how one area of life – nutrition – affects all of our life, and conversely how each supposedly “outside” or unrelated area of our life affects our nutritional health.
You’ve certainly given me plenty of information to apply, encouragement to sustain the marathon, and links and contacts of many remarkable speakers and teachers.
Thank you for all you personally put into the class, and especially for your attempt to reach all your students personally, answering questions and advising each individual concern.
Perhaps that is why your program sticking to the natural basics works so well.”
It’s been a pleasure.
Delores Liesner
“I have lost 21 pounds since beginning the plan. I feel great and have lots of energy and feel no cravings that had me nibbling at night before the detox.
I am 66. This is my second detox! I had amazing result with the first one so I came back to do another one.
I was surprised at how good I felt all week. I ate pretty well before the diet but still had to work on eliminating dairy, coffee, wheat and alcohol.
The recipes are just amazing. I really enjoyed them and even my 88 year-old mother couldn’t get enough of the cabbage soup.
Nancy is very knowledgeable and supportive. She answers our questions promptly and gives us the information we need to succeed in this life change.
The additional interviews with other health experts were also very informative. I feel I have a new, improved way of eating that will help me lose weight safely and stay healthy to enjoy my upcoming retirement.
Thanks, Nancy – I feel so good and light.”
Susan, Tucson, Arizona
“I have been nicotine-free for few MONTHS Now!! I’m so relieved to have that aggravating habit out of my life and it’s even more wonderful knowing that I’ve replaced that bad habit with some very good ones — like dry brushing, supplementing my diet with premium products and eating like I want to live forever!
Thank you, Nancy, for walking me through the initial stages of my paradigm shift and gently guiding me on the road to health!
Nancy, I knew when I found you (or maybe you found me ) that this felt right to me. I just had no idea how much this act of faith would change my journey. This was also an act of faith on your part, I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for gifting this class to me. I joined your member site a few weeks ago and will continue to subscribe and soak in the wonderful information you have there. I want to also participate with you as much as possible in your upcoming programs and plans.
I felt your sincerity and genuineness from the beginning and feel very grateful that our paths have crossed. My heart for my children is what drove me to this part of my journey – wanting to live long enough to see them marry and have children or wherever their paths lead. My heart for healthy living and feeling my best is what will sustain me on this journey. I know God’s plan for me is wonderful and I’m so grateful He caused me to “bump into” you on the Internet. I hope we can meet in person sometime this side of Heaven!”
- Jayne McRae from Houston, TX
“As part of my journey to good health, a fan of your website for approximately three years, I had never done a detox.
For the last fifteen years, my husband Louis and I have been very health conscious. We grow our own sprouts, wheatgrass, eat lots of greens and I enjoy cooking and enjoy my beautiful Organic garden in the summer time.
I knew that detoxing was an important part of good health, but I also wanted Louis to understand the importance of detoxing before adding it to our life.
What your detox program has done is guide us into a detox that complements our lifestyle.
We have done the 7-days beginner’s program, which was fairly easy for us since we normally eat that way on a daily basis.
I am happy that I have purchased the detox book. It has been used since for recipes, detox tips. It will certainly be one of my health books that I will be using as reference, not only for detox, but for all the useful information that it provides. Merci Nancy!”
- Marie & Louis Losier, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
“I have learned so many good things through this cleanse.
I did the Cleanse for 5 days! I absolutely did not miss the the animal protein, I did not have any chicken or fish either. I lost 6 pounds. I walked a lot (5 days out of 7, from half an hour to 50 minutes each time). I practice yoga a few times a week. I felt really good, was not tired, I was surprised at how easy this cleanse was. The best feeling was never to feel bloated.
Overall, I’m really happy about the cleanse. I am definitely going to maintain the plans. I have just ordered my juicer and plan to start juicing.”
- Gaudreau Nicole, Acton, Ontario
“My goal with this plan was to establish healthier eating habits. I pre-cleansed with juices and smoothies for 3 days. I did this first because I felt I needed to really get conscious of what I was eating and to reset my expectations. I then started on Plan B adding green juices because my body really needs the nutrients.
I really enjoy the lightness I have been feeling in my body and do not crave heavy sweets or foods. I feel very energetic.
Although it was not my focus I have been so pleased to find that I have lost 10 pounds so far! I am excited about the recipes in the book,
I know this plan will work for me because this program takes the mystery out of making good food, how to organize your meals and motivates you to make life changes in eating. Thanks, Nancy! I feel successful!
Thanks for your support!”
- Kay K. Lopez Island, Washington
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