Thursday, 26 April 2012

Diet or Exercise What To Do First.

I sometimes watch the biggest loser and cringe, overweight people being made to do hard physical activity, it puts severe strain on joints,the spine and the heart, its definately a sure fire way to damage yourself for good.

Being overweight often goes hand in hand with lethargy and tiredness so starting a physicaly challenging work out program will not only be impossible to keep up mentally, but physicaly it will hurt, and often is the reason most of us never get very far.

Diet is the best starting point, find the fuel your body craves, thats right your body actualy craves the correct food, when you find this food your body will naturaly shed the unwanted weight and even better the very toxins that make you feel lethargic, tired and even ill will be flushed form your body.

The toxins in your body come form poor food choices, fast food, burgers, unhealthy mass produced sandwitches, really the list is endless, a rule i use is - " if i didnt make it then i dont know whats in it"

When you get your diet right, you head will clear, your attitude will change, you will feel clean and healthy on the inside, you will feel light and refreshed every day,your skin will look healthy, your eyes will be bright and your hair will be full of life, then and only then you will probably feel like exercising.

One important thing to point out here, this will take time, just consider how long it took you to put on your weight, so it makes sense that it will take a while to lose it again, the good thing is though, it is often quicker to lose the weight than it was to put it on and in a matter of weeks you will see the changes, drop a drees size and just start feeling like a new you.

A few years ago i was a candida suferer, i had serious fungal overgrowth, my treatment consisted of a sugar and yeast free diet, exercise was banned as it released sugar stored in the body, this sugar would have fed the fungus, my diet was a pure natural foods diet, i lost 3 stone/48 pounds in three months, and felt the best i had in years.  Just remember this was with no exercise at all !

To sumarise, to get yourself ready to exercise firstly prepare your body physicaly and mentally with a good healthy natural diet, its all about clearing the body of toxins and getting your body to run efficiently, dont ever feel its too late for you, your body has an amazing ability to survive and recover when fed the right fuel.

If you want information on Healthy living, diets and detox you can get it free on this page, look for the green box at the top right hand corner of this page for details, also i really recomend the two books near the top left hand side of this page by Jason Vale - "7lbs in 7 days " and" Turbo charge your life " these are fantastic books, and very resonably priced.

Forget expensive Gym membershipsjust eat natural, and let nature take its course with your body, you will be suprised how much money you save and how much more enjoyable natural foods are than the junk we normaly put into our bodys.

So start your energy filled lifestyle today for FREE by putting your name and email address in the green box on the top right hand side of this page and you will receive 4 fantastic ebooks that will give you all you need to find the new energy filled healthy you, from DETOX, DIET to healthy lifestyle choices.

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