Saturday, 9 June 2012

72 year old vegan woman

It seems to me that all of the food systems in the world, are designed to make money from us, dairy, meats, fast foods to name but a few, but are these things actually good for us whilst linning other peoples pockets do they really care obout their customers health and well being or just about the health of their bank accounts.

The world is rapidly becoming obese so something has to be wrong, weather you beleive in creation or evolution the origins of man had to be vegitarian/vegan lets face it until man/woman gained the ability to kill animals for meat they had to eat something and if we did indeed evolve from monkeys/apes them our origins are indeed non meat, non dairy and definately non junk food, even from a creation point of view in the garden of eden, Adam and Eve were vegitarians, so at what point did someone decide that we should change from the original design, it seems to me it all started when people decided they needed money from the food industry.

I work in a hospital and the majority of patients with problems seem to be either overweight or underweight or just ill from putting the wrong things into their bodies, smoking, drugs, high sugar diets and fats etc etc etc.

Take a look at the above video, no one is making money out of this woman, there are no tricks or magical systems, i beleive she is just sticking to the original design spec for a human being and the results speak for themself..

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