A Vegan diet is an excellent way of improving health, as it excludes all meat, dairy, and animal derived products. These products are generally filled with hormones, and are often responsible for many of the ailments which affect the common American.
A Vegan diet consists of beans, grains, seeds, nuts, and of course, fruits, and vegetables. It is very similar to the Mediterranean diet, which has been touted for it's health benefits, by using the same principals of consuming fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. These are the "good" fats, such as the ones found in nuts. Nuts, and foods such as avocados, boost HDL cholesterol levels. This "good" cholesterol has been shown to help fight heart disease.
The main concern that often arises as an argument against a Vegan diet, is that there will not be enough protein to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In fact, the average American eats twice as much protein as is necessary for a healthy diet, and much of that is from red meat. Getting protein from beans and grains is much healthier, and also reduces the risk for osteoporosis. Recent studies have shown that 1 oz of almonds, or walnuts, contain just as much protein (6 grams) as 1 oz of lean beef. Another point to consider, is that the world's largest living land mammal, the Elephant, consumes an exclusively plant based diet. If this enormous animal can not only survive, but thrive on a plant based diet, it is evidence enough that there is more than sufficient protein to be found in a Vegan diet for a human being.
Further benefits of a Vegan diet, is that it has been shown to prevent a number of diseases. These include Type 2 diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Macular Degeneration, to name a few. I have had personal results with eliminating High Blood Pressure by switching from a Vegetarian diet, to a Vegan diet. Having been on medication to regulate my blood pressure, I found that after taking the next step to a Vegan diet, my blood pressure dropped to normal levels on it's own, and my need for medication was eliminated. 8 years later, my doctors have to agree.
So how to get started transitioning? Many people think this would be very difficult. Eliminating all animal products "cold turkey" probably isn't for everyone. Start small. Hopefully, not many people are actually eating red meat anymore. Cut out eggs one week, then progress to no dairy. It has been shown that 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. Being unaware of this condition, and continuing to consume dairy can be responsible for many health issues, beginning with allergies.
There are also many of Vegan versions of familiar foods that are available in your local grocery store. As Veganism has become more mainstream, there are soy and coconut based "ice creams", Vegan "cheese" (You do not have to give up pizza! Google "Daiya") Vegan "hot dogs" Vegan "mayonnaise" (Veganaise is delicious), and also, a very wide variety of Vegan "burgers". There is absolutely no reason to feel deprived in any way. One of the most amazing products to come out in recent years is called Gardein.
The benefits of a Vegan diet are disease prevention, and even reversal. A Vegan diet can also greatly reduce the toll on our planet's resources. Growing plants takes far fewer resources than breeding animals for food. By eating vegan, you can help reduce the toll on the environment. Factory Farming consumes enormous amounts of water, grain, petroleum, pesticides and drugs. The grain used to feed cattle could be used to end the global world hunger problem. Going Vegan will also help you to look an animal in the eye with a clear conscience. Go Vegan for the health benefits, for the planet, for the animals, but most of all, for yourself.
Reference -by Katherine Botelho
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